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Retirement Options Modeller

Please enter the current fund of your Personal Account.

Current Personal Account value


Lump sum and annuity

Use the slider below to select the proportion of your Personal Account to take as a tax-free cash lump sum.


Maximum tax-free cash lump sum


Remaining Personal Account to purchase an annuity


Uncrystallised Funds Pension Lump Sum (UFPLS)

Use the slider below to select the proportion of your Personal Account to take as an UFPLS.

If you take less than 100% of your Personal Account as an UFPLS, you will be required to transfer the remainder to another approved pension arrangement.


If you are a basic rate tax payer


If you are a higher rate tax payer


Click here for more details

Flexi-access drawdown

Use the slider below to select the proportion of your Personal Account you wish to drawdown.

To take advantage of flexi-access drawdown you will need to transfer your Personal Account to a suitable drawdown arrangement.


If you are a basic rate tax payer


If you are a higher rate tax payer


Click here for more details

Uncrystalised Funds Pension Lump Sum (UFPLS)

If you are a basic tax rate payer

Amount of UFPLS requested


Percentage of Personal Account to be taken as an UFPLS


Tax-free element of UFPLS (25%)


Amount of UFPLS taxed at marginal rate




Amount of tax to pay


If you are a higher rate tax rate payer

Amount of UFPLS requested


Percentage of Personal Account to be taken as an UFPLS


Tax-free element of UFPLS (25%)


Amount of UFPLS taxed at marginal rate




Amount of tax to pay


Flexi-access drawdown

Amount of Gross drawdown payment


Tax-free element of drawdown payment


Residual amount of drawdown payment subject to tax


If you are a basic tax rate payer

Net drawdown


Amount of tax payable


Residual Personal Account for future drawdown


Example of future options:

A) Residual Personal Account available to purchase an annuity


B) Assumes 3 equal future drawdown payments
(to be taken at your discretion)

Gross drawdown amount


Marginal rate of tax


Amount of tax payable


Net drawdown payment


If you are a higher tax rate payer

Net drawdown


Amount of tax payable


Residual Personal Account for future drawdown


Example of future options:

A) Residual Personal Account available to purchase an annuity


B) Assumes 3 equal future drawdown payments
(to be taken at your discretion)

Gross drawdown amount


Marginal rate of tax


Amount of tax payable


Net drawdown payment


Click the buttons below for explanations of each option.

Lump sum and annuity

Uncrystallised Funds Pension Lump Sum

Flexi-access drawdown

Cash and Annuity

This is often regarded as the traditional retirement choice that most people are familiar with.

Under this option you have the choice to either:

  • Utilise your Personal Account to provide an annuity; or
  • Elect to withdraw up to 25% of the value of your Personal Account as a cash lump sum (often tax-free) and then purchase an annuity with the remaining Personal Account.

When choosing an annuity many options can be available to you. Common choices available may be whether you wish your annuity to increase in payment or whether you might like your annuity to provide an income for a loved one in the event of your death

This option is usually suitable for members who are looking for a guaranteed income during retirement but may also be looking to receive a tax-free cash lump sum.


You can now take your entire Personal Account as a cash lump sum. This is called an Uncrystallised Funds Pension Lump Sum or UFPLS.

Normally 25% of the cash lump sum will be tax-free with the remained taxed as income.

You are not required under legislation to take your entire Personal Account as an UFPLS. However, under the Scheme Rules, if you only take a proportion of your Personal Account as a cash lump sum, the remainder will need to be transferred to another registered pension scheme or used to purchase an annuity.

An UFPLS could be suitable for those who wish to take the whole of their Personal Account as a cash lump sum.

Flexi-access drawdown

Drawdown is an arrangement that allows you to access a series of lump sums at a time suitable to you whilst keeping your funds invested.

To take advantage of flexi-access drawdown you will need to transfer your Personal Account to a suitable drawdown arrangement.

Drawdown could be suitable for those who wish to use their Personal Account to provide a series of lump sums during their retirement as opposed to a regular income.

The Trustee is not able to provide financial advice and would recommend that you seek independent financial advice. lf you do not have a financial adviser, details of those near to you can be found at