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Marriage, civil partnerships, and divorce

It is important that any changes in personal circumstances are notified to the Trustee particularly if these changes could have an impact on the payment of your benefits.

Marriage and Civil Partnerships

A change in your marital status can often lead to a change in your beneficiary (or beneficiaries). To communicate this change to the Trustee please arrange for an updated Expression of Wish Form to be completed and passed, via the DC Section Administrator, to the Trustee for safekeeping. You can also complete and submit an Expression of Wish Form by logging into your Personal Account at MyPru.

Divorce or dissolution of a Civil Partnership

Divorce or dissolution of a Civil Partnership is another event when you may wish to update the Trustee with regards to a change in beneficiary (or beneficiaries).

Please be aware that as part of the process for divorce or dissolution the Courts consider pension benefits in the calculation of the value of joint assets. This can sometimes lead to the Court issuing a pension sharing order and awarding a share of your Personal Account to your ex-Spouse or ex-registered Civil Partner.