Contribution Calculator

Use the simple Contribution Calculator opposite to see what effect a change to your personal contributions level would have on your take home pay and the overall amount that is invested in your Personal Account, once tax savings and the effect of Matching Employer Credits are taken into account. Once you have decided the level that is right for you you should update your contribution rate via Workday. If you do not have access to Workday, you will need to complete a Decision Form.


Your details

0% 12% 6%
purple arrow
Your personal contributions 0% £0.00
Tax relief* £0.00
Total £0.00
Employer Credits 0% £0.00
Matching Employer Credits 0% £0.00
Total pension contributions 0% £0.00

* Tax relief is based on 2019/20 tax tables and assumes you have a current tax code of 1250L. You can find your current tax code on your latest payslip.