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Fund performance

Each month we'll publish a Market Commentary from our DC Section Investment Consultant, Hymans Robertson. The latest market returns and estimate fund performance data are provided in the charts below. The full report is also available for download.

Market Commentary image

Market Commentary

The DC Section's Investment Consultant's (Hymans Robertson) commentary on investment markets and the PSPS Funds.

Performance of investment markets

Source: Datastream

Indices: FTSE All Share, FTSE All World £, FTSE All Emerging £, FTSE British Govt Over 15Y, FTSE British Govt Index Linked Over 5Y, iBoxx Sterling Non-Gilts, SONIA, MSCI UK Monthly property.

Performance of the PSPS funds

This chart shows the estimated performance (net of annual fees) of the PSPS funds. Please note that these are estimates of fund performance and not official performance figures from the fund provider. Further detail on each of the funds can be found in the factsheets below.

Read the DC Section's Investment Consultant's (Hymans Robertson) full report.

Fund factsheets

Below are individual fund factsheets for each of the Self-Select funds available to DC Section members. All the factsheets listed below are correct as at 31 March 2024. Please note these are the latest versions of the factsheets available.

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Prudential With Profits

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PSPS Cash - active

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PSPS Corporate Bonds – active

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PSPS Diversified Growth - active

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PSPS Diversified Liquid Alternatives - active

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PSPS Emerging Markets Equity – active

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PSPS Fixed Interest Bonds – active

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PSPS Global Equity – active

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PSPS Impact Equity - active

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PSPS Index-Linked Gilts - active

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PSPS Index-Linked Gilts – passive

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PSPS Islamic Global Equity - passive

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PSPS Long-Dated Gilt – passive

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PSPS Overseas Equity - passive

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PSPS Sustainable Equity - passive

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PSPS Total Return Bond – active

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PSPS UK Equity – active

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PSPS UK Equity – passive