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Updates and news on our Trustee Board image

Updates and news on our Trustee Board

23 December 2021

We wanted to share some recent news and updates to our Trustee Board.

Member Nominated Director news

We undertook a Member Nominated Director (MND) selection process this year. This involved the Pensioner members of the DB Section, as the term of office for John Paino, our Pensioner MND, was due to end in July 2021.


We would like to congratulate John for being re-selected to serve a further four-year term.

Next steps

We will be holding a further MND selection process in early 2022 as Stephen Cunningham’s term of office is due to end. This time the process will involve the Active members of both the DB and DC Sections.

Trustee Director news

Gillian Starkie, one of our Company Appointed Trustee Directors, resigned from the Trustee Board earlier this year. The Company has subsequently appointed Darren Tish who joined the Trustee board on 25 November. We would like to thank Gillian for all her time and effort.

We’re looking forward to working with Darren and all that 2022 will bring.

You’ll be receiving your Winter edition of Overview in the coming weeks - subject to Christmas post - so keep an eye out for this. If you’ve signed up to digital communications, you’ll receive the digital version into your inbox shortly.