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Make sure your Expression of Wish is up to date

04 October 2023

As a member of the DC Section, you build up valuable benefits which you’re able to access once you retire. However, what happens if you were to die? Where would that money go?

The best way to ensure the Trustee knows who you expect to receive any benefits from the Scheme following your death is to complete an Expression of Wish form.

Even if you’ve already completed an Expression of Wish, it doesn’t hurt to provide an updated version from time to time, as your circumstances may have changed.

How to update your Expression of Wish?

We’ve made improvements so it’s even easier to confirm your wishes.

You can update your Expression of Wish online through on ‘My account’. Alternatively, you can complete and return a paper form. Simply download a printable version from the ‘Document library’ on the Scheme website.


Under the Scheme’s Trust Deed and Rules, only a Spouse or Civil Partner will be eligible for any available benefits upon your death, unless you complete an Expression of Wish form nominating anyone else you wish to receive the benefits. The Trustee will take any nominations into consideration when making their decision.

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