Making the most of this website

The website has been designed to be easy to use – use the new ‘Search’ functionality at the top of each page to find what you’re looking for.

The main page where you’ll find the information you need is called Your Journey, this page reflects a map of a typical pension’s journey. You can simply click on the icon and specific area you need to know more about. For example, joining the Scheme, what you and the employer are paying in different life events and your benefits.

The Document library section contains the latest version of ‘Overview’ the Scheme magazine, the latest accounts and videos on key subjects. The Document library also includes the most common documents members ask for. 

Looking for the latest news about the Scheme or pensions in general? Take a look at our Announcements page for real-time updates and news.

You may be unfamiliar with some of the terms used in this website.  If a word, or phase, appears with a dotted underline this means it is included in the Glossary. If you hover over the word or phrase, a brief explanation will also be displayed.